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NEWS Old news
September 13, 2022


NJSC State corporation “Governments for citizens” was satisfied the proposal of the Banking ombudsman Yerserik Siyrbaev to include him in the number of bodies considering citizens’ appeals on the E-gov portal. If before the Banking ombudsman was considered appeals through mechanisms (website, mail, personal reception, social networks), now he will begin to consider citizens’ appeals through the E-gov portal.

Today, online training on working in the information system ‘E-otinish’ through the ZOOM platform was conducted by the chief specialist of the State Corporation NJSC “Government for Citizens” Yergen Kulgaraev. In the course of online training along with administrative functions in the information system ‘E-otinish’, the role of the leader was also determined. The banking ombudsman and his team received full instructions for working in the E-otinish information system and mastered a new level of consideration of citizens’ appeals.  

All stages and terms of consideration of the application received through the information system ‘E-otinish’ are under the close attention of the applicant. This procedure will help ensure, of course, from the moment the applicant is submitted, the applicant will be able to track the status of execution of the application. If the applicant is not satisfied with the creditor’s response under the loan agreement, pre-trial settlement of disagreements is the competence of the Banking ombudsman.

Now, the work on consideration of applications through the information system ‘E-otinish’ expands the possibilities for applicants to submit applications. Good luck!

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