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NEWS Old news
April 12, 2023

On April 11, 2023, Kazakh National University named by Al-Farabi hosted an international scientific and practical conference ‘The paradigm of sustainable economic development in the context of global transformations: great threats, consequences, opportunities’.

In the plenary session ‘Digital transformation of the financial accounting system in modern realities’, the banking ombudsman made a presentation ‘Bank loans and settlement of overdue debts’.

The topic of the report turned out to be relevant, due to the fact that digital technologies don’t stand still, and if earlier it took months to process a mortgage loan, now one day is enough. The availability of digital loans can carry great risks for both borrowers when calculating the financial burden.

In order to avoid negative consequences, the Banking ombudsman urged listeners to always carefully study the terms of the contract, weight their financial capabilities, make contact or negotiate with the creditor.

If all attempts to resolve the dispute with the creditor on their own did not give the proper result, then in this case, the borrowers have the right to apply to the Banking ombudsman to resolve the disagreement with the creditors.

In general, the topic of the speech aroused keen interest among the participants of the conference, and many questions about the activities of the Banking ombudsman, and his legal status, powers.

The organizers received proposals to hold guest lectures for teachers and students of Kazakh National University named by Al-Farabi at the end of the conference.

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