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September 08, 2023


In a world, where a technology is rapidly advancing, and financial fraud is becoming increasingly sophisticated, collaboration and knowledge sharing between banking organizations and crime-fighting agencies, are becoming key components of ensuring financial stability and security. In this context, the participation of the Office of Banking Ombudsman in the large-scale conference ‘FCBK UFC: Ultimate Fraud Control’ became a significant event. The event was organized by the First Credit Bureau of Kazakhstan.  

CEO of the First Credit Bureau Ruslan Omarov, opening the conference, emphasized the importance of discussing the topic of combating fraud and the need for joint efforts of business and the state in this direction. Considering, FCB sets trends in the creation of services to combat fraud by launching its own certification center with biometric verification, as well as a service for the population with the possibility of a voluntary ban on lending, the relevance of the topic of fraud was considered on the largest possible scale.     

The following key topics were discussed during the conference:    

Technological challenges: Rapid changes in technology are creating new opportunities for fraudsters. Conference participants discussed the latest trends in cybersecurity always to protect financial data.    

International cooperation: Financial fraudster operates globally and international cooperation is needed to stop them.    

Education and awareness: An important part of fighting fraud is educating customers about scam techniques and how to protect their finances. At the conference, training programs for clients and bank employees were presented in this area.    

Legislation and regulation: Participants discussed current legislation and regulatory measures aimed at combating financial fraud and shared best practices in this area.      

Leading experts from various business areas also spoke at the conference and spoke about technological methods of combating fraud. Experts discussed modern challenges and threats facing the financial industry and presented innovative methods and technologies to overcome them.     

Conference speakers shared methods of protecting against attacks on remote identity verification, provided cases on cybersecurity and cyber resilience, talked about dangerous investment schemes and emphasized the importance of uniform standards in the field of security in the digital environment. At the panel session, experts discussed, how to reduce the number of fraudulent transactions in the field of information technology, and what needs to be done for this by business and the government.      

Particularly noteworthy was the participation as a keynote speaker by Brett King, a futurist and best – selling author, who has long and effectively predicted the future of the banking system. His cases about the future of banks and the impact of artificial intelligence on it surprised and interested both conference participants and media representatives.       

The conference ‘FCBK UFC: Ultimate Fraud Control’ has become an important event for discussing current issues in the fight against fraud and creating fruitful partnerships between business and government in this area.      

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