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NEWS Old news
December 20, 2023

On 15th December 2023 year, Banking ombudsman Darkhan Nurpeissov took part in an international scientific and practical seminar on the topic: ‘The historical role of Alash in securing the territorial integrity of Kazakh statehood’, as a part of the celebration of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The event was organized by the Institute of State and Law named after G.S.Sapargaliyev of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

A Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Lyazzat Erkinbayeva is spoken at the opening of the seminar. She emphasized the historical significance of the activities of Alashorda residents in protecting the territorial interests of Kazakhstan.

Also the seminar was attended by an outstanding Kazakh and foreign scientists and experts, including Erkesh Nurpeissov - academician, Sultan Khan Zhusip - director of the Institute of Cultural and Spiritual Development ‘Alash’, as well as Vladislav Tolstykh - Russian scientist, doctor of law, Gulnaz Adygezalova and others.

A platform for discussing key issues of historical significance became a seminar, as well as for revealing the influence of decisions taken at that time on the formation of a modern state.

The banking ombudsman was gratitude to the organizers for the opportunity to participate in this event.

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